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I Grow Younger – Our Self-Improvement System

I Grow Younger is a interconnected, ~1000 pages long, self-improvement system like no other.

  • Where others are logical, we are intuitive.
  • Where others search for quick wins, we value deep and lasting progress.
  • Where others see a human as different systems, we see them as a single system of structures and flows.
  • Where others explore static snapshots, we work with time and evolution.
  • Where others are reluctant to, we admit the truth of how we function.

But crucially, where others tell you what to do, we don’t. No small wins bullshit. No measurement sticks. No habit conditioning, no diaries, no homework. Understanding life is sufficient.

You don’t have many challenges, you have one. To live a life worth looking back to in awe. Let’s make it count!

We just show you the driving forces within, in a way that helps you build an intuition about them.


Once you feel them, every change in life becomes not only possible, but also joyful. We help you optimize your life for love, joy, freedom and meaning.

I Grow Younger can be a bestselling book. Only it won’t sell. Because it’s free for everyone, now and forever.

The cost of creating this system is in the millions but it’s the one project where we will purposefully not seek any revenue. We need to prove we’re on your side for historical reasons.

Everyone, from the poor African farmer to the seemingly soulless Wall Street broker, has to face themselves 24/7. In this personal struggle we are all equal. Unfortunately, economic forces governing the flows of money and attention ensure that not a single global belief system has ever fully taken your side. All courses, all self-help gurus and influencers, all religions must first and foremost ensure their own financial and ideological survival and spread. Nothing with the depth, width and patience of I Grow Younger was possible in pre-Internet times unless it was addictive or coercive.

We are poineers in a new era. The era where self-improvement will be seen in the context of relentlessly fighting our fears and comfort zones, in chaos, intuition and freedom, rather than culture, advice and dogma. The era where ideologies are dead because we finally agree on what matters in life. The era in which we don’t have to convince you that love and joy and freedom are good for you. The era when you already know it and are not willing to compromise with them.

We want what you want. This new era starts here, today. Spread the news and subscribe for our video content.