ImpactMindset is a non-profit organization, headquartered in Sofia, Bulgaria and employing 20+ people.
Our brilliant team, brought together and led by former professional chess player, startup founder and intellectual maverick Kalin Karakehayov, has a single mission – to spawn as many “moonshot” projects for the benefit of humanity as possible.
We never do anything small.
Scale has been our mindset from the start – all of our projects can improve the lives of billions of people.
If it’s not about significantly changing the world, it’s not our thing.
How do we change the world?
Humanity has gradually built a planetary-scale complex adaptive system. This simply means that no person, group of people or even powerful country has any degree of control over what is going on. Rather adaptations of the many layers of the system, driven by evolution and other systemic forces, create what we see around us.
If we want to explore this with the tools of science we have this:
(Hiroki Sayama, D.Sc., CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)
We can assure you that there are more fascinating phenomena hidden behind those terms than you’ll be able to fully explore in a thousands lifetimes.
Most people feel the world as a system is way too complex for their level of understanding and have emotionally chosen one of three approaches:
- Some give up on influencing humanity at scale, opting to make the best they can out of their own lives and those of their loved ones. There is nothing inherently wrong with this approach, however such people are missing out on a lot of potential joy and meaning, stemming from improving systems and touching lives at scales, thought unthinkable for almost the entirety of human history. This approach is typical for super-moral people, which we call “guards” and have a special approach to.
- Some turn the world’s systems into a coping mechanism for their own internal insecurities. We all need to cope with our internal and external validation needs. Some people mostly cope using addictions (including unhealthy relationships with other people), others go down rabbit holes of misinformation and bullshit in their attempt to change the world for the better and in this way “fix” themselves too. There is nothing wrong with their intentions but there are systems of varying quality and size (organized religions, cults, conspiracy theories and even social media) that have emerged to exploit such people and channel their energy for their own needs, often to the detriment of society as a whole. Every attempt to fix such disconnections from reality at an individual level must come with full compassion and understanding of how poorly evolved humans are for a modern atomized world, full of cheap dopamine. Every attempt to fix the problems on a systemic level must acknowledge that if people feel empty inside, they need to be given a better alternative to every ugly coping mechanism of theirs… or they will find a worse one.
- Some haven’t lost neither their touch with reality nor the desire to help humanity. They are true heroes – most of our scientists, doctors, high level teachers and others who advance human knowledge for us and our kids. The contribution of this group is monumental and essential to progress. Still, we should remember that they are also people and carry the same insecurities that we all do – they were just mostly lucky that theirs didn’t push them away from searching for meaning beyond our immediate peers (like group 1) or from the truth (like group 2). They still need a supporting structure in order not to feel lost and unvalidated in a messy world. And for almost the entirety of them the answer is to go niche – all in for depth, rather than width in their research and contribution.
Now, don’t get us wrong, science is largely built on depth and incremental gains. We need depth and the analytical approach and we owe a great deal of our technological progress to it. And we still need it for current and future breakthroughs in AI, biotechnology, sustainable energy and many other fields. Yet if we zoom out a bit and remember it’s freaking 2025 (!), we might see another, bigger picture.
Despite having the best, most comfortable lives ever, we (just recently) started somewhat fucking things up as a society. Mental health is in danger due to society atomization, loneliness and the cheap dopamine of phones and social media available 24/7. The political system is in danger due to authoritarianism, a bad variety of populism, massive corporate lobbying, lower social trust and tribalizing. We cannot unite on climate change, environmental protections and AI policy and a new serious danger is coming from rogue biotech. There is already a geopolitical spill out of these problems in the form of wars and important structures and alliances are under pressure.
The progress in science and technology (now largely driven by AI) is massive and accelerating and the likely scenarios are either victory over the destructive forces or massive failure of the world’s systems. In ImpactMindset we strongly believe in a future of peace, wellbeing and relative abundance. Society just needs to adapt to a lot of things changing all at once.
We can absolutely do this.
Given the dynamic moment, depth won’t be enough. We need width, just like centuries ago when the world’s leading intellectuals were active in many different fields at once. Such feel for the world’s quickly evolving systems can only come with the power of intuition.
Intuitive people should harness their full potential, strive to understand all our messy, emergent systems and tirelessly search for win-win opportunities. We don’t just need good solutions implemented gradually – there is no time for that. We need the best working solutions, right now. Even if they are unorthodox. Even if they are ugly as fuck.
This is the mission of ImpactMindset. We harness the intuitive power of our team, our partners and the world as a whole.
То assemble progress.